Saturday, February 13, 2010

Parent Trap

For many adults, the words "Parent Trap" might summon up images of Lindsay Lohan when she was still reasonably human,

or maybe even Haley Mills, if you're old like me.

This is a cute and innocent image associated with "Parent Trap." But I want to introduce you to a version of parent trap more like the "non-vintage" Lindsay. Not quite so innocent.

This is the version of the parent trap set for the Divine Ms B and me by our loving daughter Em at the bottom of the stairs.

It can work in any of several ways. Perhaps the unsuspecting parent will try to leap over the pile of clothes, bump their head of the door jamb and knock themselves senseless. Or, in trying to avoid that route, they might step on the pile of clothes, which would immediately slip out from under them and BAM! there they are on the stairs, with, in the best case scenario, a couple of broken vertebrae.

You get the idea. I suppose it's even possible that the plan is to just discourage us from going down the stairs at all, thereby cutting us off from the pantry and weakening us, over time, from lack of food. I'm not sure. But I just wanted to document this publicly so when Em shows up in court to gain control of my assets, pushing me in wheelchair as I drool and stare blankly ahead, there will be a trail of evidence to help uncover the truth.

Follow the clothes, people. Follow the clothes.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Hey, my kids have got one of those rigged at the bottom of our stairs too. Hmm, maybe I should start to worry or adopt my youngest son's method of going down stairs, on my bottom. For your sake, I'll remember the cloths trail.