Monday, January 26, 2009

The Best Procrastivus EVER!

Procrastivus Carol #3

Sleep in, ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you awake.
Remember it’s Procrastrivus,
Sleep in, for goodness’ sake!
For 10’s as good as 8 o’clock,
And 12 is better still,
Then we’ll dive on those presents
With a will, oh yes we will,
And we’ll open our presents with a will!

(What? Surely you didn't expect the last Procrastivus Carol before Procrastivus, did you?)

Well, Procrastivus has come and gone (at least, the parts of it we aren't planning on finishing up next week sometime). The day started with the traditional Groaning of the Old Man as he got out of bed, followed by the Making of the Biscuits and Gravy (The Divine Ms B had toast and cocoa or something). Next came the Dispersal of the Teenagers (play rehearsal and a debate meet). The Awakening of the Girl-Face was followed by the classic Treasure Hunt for the Already-Discovered Present. Upon finding it, the Girl-Face participated in the Watching of Several Episodes of Bones, Season Two. Meanwhile, the parents engaged in the Making of the Greek Food, and the Shopping Trip for Stuff We Forgot.

At about 4 pm, the Gathering of the Tribes was held. Gyros and pastitso were consumed (Boozle made the pitas). Baklava was eaten with reckless abandon. And finally, we opened the Procrastivus Booty.

Ethan's booty ran toward books of plays, although his pride and joy was the DUNDER MIFFLIN SCRANTON MEREDITH PALMER MEMORIAL CELEBRITY RABIES AWARENESS PRO-AM FUN RUN RACE FOR THE CURE T-shirt.

Emily's booty ran high on clothes and accessories.

Once Erynn opened Bones, Season 2, nothing else much mattered. Some quiet, alone time with Special Agent Seeley Booth is all she really needs.

The Divine Ms B got a box of spices from Penzey's, because I threw away a lot of her "classic, vintage, heirloom" (ie. OLD) spices when I cleaned out the food room. So I had to replace them. She's sharing them with Boozle, who also got a nice bread knife so Jacob's sandwiches will no longer have trapezoidal cross-sections.

And me, I ended the day with the traditional Reading of the Get Fuzzy.

So all in all, a success. As Tiny Ethan Cratchit said, "This was the Best Procrastivus EVER!"

1 comment:

mommymuse said...

What?! You didn't send any biscuits and gravy my way! Which I can forgive because, ewwww...who wants biscuits and gravy, and plus the baklava was sooooo good. The best--and first--and only (so far)--Procrastivus ever.